MiniBird not getting identified by the HTI3 interface
Tech Note: TN0210
Product: HTI3
Version: All
Date Added: 2006-08-18
There are two address modes for the MiniBird - normal and extended. When using the HTI3 interface, the MiniBird must be operated in normal mode. If the MiniBird is not configured correctly it will not be identified by the HTI3 interface. The Data LED on the HTI3 will flash slowly (~1 Hz) to indicate that the motion tracker is not properly connected to the HTI3. The Ch1 Stat and Ch2 Stat LED's will also flash slowly when the HTI3 is not receiving any data from receiver 1 and receiver 2.
When using the MiniBird motion tracker with the HTI3 configure it for Normal Addressing mode. To do this set the DIP switch on the back of the device as shown below. If you need to add a second MiniBird, first refer to the documentation then call TDT for further assistance if needed.